Currently available for jobs!

[Wonjae Sung]

Full Stack Developer


Chicago, IL


English Korean

Hi there! Thanks for stopping by! Solving problems and providing elegant, innovative and accessible solutions is a passion of mine. I'm able to quickly learn new tools and technologies, and I like to be well-organized to deliver consistent results. When I'm not coding, I can be found on indoor rock climbing walls, on a golf course, and in my kitchen cooking up delicious Korean dishes.


Web Design & Development

HTML, CSS, JavaScript


React.js, HandleBars, Materialize, Bootstrap


Node.js, Express, Mongoose

Database Management System

MongoDB, NoSQL


Here's some of my projects that I have worked on. Feel free to make a pull request!

  • Weather Application

    Created using HTML, CSS and JS. Look up current weather of any city in the world with responsive background. Weather API and background API were implemented.

  • CrimpyCode Bar

    Cocktail application that interacts with CocktailDB API. User is able to look up any alcoholic beverage by its name to see an image, recipe and ingredients.

  • CrimpyCode 10-Key Calculator

    Created using HTML, CSS and JS. As a former accountant, I have carried around physical 10-key calculator as long as I can remember! Here is a simple, well designed calculator for a daily use.

  • Bill Tracker (full-stack)

    Created using HTML, CSS, JS, MongoDB, EJS, Materialize, Passport. Collaborated with fellow 100devs members to create a full-stack invoice tracker application. User is able to login and input invoices to help themselves manage their expenses and bills.

  • NASA

    Created using HTML, CSS, JS and Font Awesome. Application utilizes NASA API to be able to access NASA image of the day and description.

  • Glof (full-stack)

    Created using HTML, CSS, JS, HandleBars, MongoDB, Materialize, and Passport. This Full-Stack application let you keep track of your handicap index for golfers. Users are able to login to their account, input their round of golf, then it will automatically calculate your handicap for you. Users are also able to follow their close friends and comment/like their scores.


Feel free to reach out if you would like to build something together, have a question, or just want to connect!

You can follow me on Twitter, Linkedin and GitHub.